Monday, April 11, 2011

Make a 19th-Century-Inspired Ornament

 Here's a really wonderful tutorial for making paper mache ornaments for this holiday season.  I know it's early.  Some would say "too early for Christmas", but I believe that the sooner you begin your preparations, the better the holiday turns out for you.  I love to sit back during November and December and watch everyone else fighting the crowds and buying items that no one really wants just to have something.

I feel the same way about Christmas crafts.  As my current Easter project has proven, sometimes crafting takes way more time than you think.  If making Christmas decorations is your thing, it may pay to start early, even "too early" so you can get it all done.

Below is a great tutorial from Better Homes and Gardens.  Enjoy!
Modeled after decorations in turn-of-the-19th-century style, these papier-mache ornaments spread good cheer whether they're hung from your tree or positioned around the house.
snowman ornaments
What You Need
  • Cookie sheet
  • Parchment paper
  • Celluclay instant papier-mache
  • White glue
  • 3-inch-diameter green plastic-foam ball (body)
  • Resealable plastic bag
  • Thin palette knife
  • Thin wire
  • Acrylic paints: antique white, brown, black, pink, and silver
  • Brush-on water-base clear finish
  • Mica flakes
  • Crafts glue
  • Silver glass glitter
  • Pink tinsel garland
How to Make It
  1. Cover a cookie sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Mix a few handfuls of instant papier-mache with warm water, following the manufacturer's instructions. It's best to mix small batches of dry papier-mache and keep the mixture in a resealable plastic bag while you work. Knead the mixture with your hands until it's a smooth, workable consistency. Keep a small bowl of water handy to dip your fingers in as you form the snowman on the cookie sheet.
  3. Apply a thin coat of white glue around the foam ball before coating it with the wet mixture. Note: The mixture adheres better if you use the glue.
  4. Apply a generous layer of the mixture over the entire ball for the body, smoothing out bumps and ridges with your hands. The finished ball should be about 3 1/2 inches in diameter.
  5. Place the wet ball on the parchment-lined cookie sheet. Gently press down on the body, creating a flat bottom so the snowman will sit upright.
  6. Complete the paper-mache sculpting as follows: Roll a 1-3/4-inch ball of mixture for the head. Set the ball on the top of the body, gently smoothing the ball into the body at the neck area. Insert a toothpick through the center of the head to secure it to the body.
  7. Roll tiny balls of the mixture for the nose and cheeks. Press the balls onto the face. Use a palette knife to smooth the features and a toothpick to shape the eyebrows, eyes, and mouth.
  8. Shape a small column of the mixture for the hat and attach it to the top of the head. Smooth the edges into the ball. Cut a 3-inch length of wire and fold it in half to create a loop. Twist the ends together. Insert the twisted end into the top of the hat. Smooth the mixture around the base of the loop.
  9. Place the cookie sheet with the snowman bauble in an oven set at a low temperature and bake for at least 2 hours or until hardened. Remove the snowman from the oven and let sit on the sheet until cool. Lightly sand the figure until the surface is smooth.
  10. Paint the head antique white. Paint the cheeks and nose pink. Use antique white and pink to paint stripes around the body and to add words, dotted borders, and stars. Paint the hat and wire loop silver. Use black for the eyebrows, eyes, and mouth. When the paint is dry, create an aged patina by mixing a small amount of brown paint with water; apply this mixture to the figure.
  11. When the paint is completely dry, brush clear finish on the areas that you want to sparkle. Immediately sprinkle mica flakes over the wet finish. Allow to dry and then brush off the excess mica flakes. Apply bands of glue around the snowman's body; immediately sprinkle glass glitter over the glue. Add glass glitter to the hat in the same way. Apply a band of glue around the neck and press a length of tinsel garland into the glue.
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Monday, April 4, 2011

More about electron gizmos for Christmas presents

Kindle 2.0Image via WikipediaToday I will talk about the other gadget we got for Christmas last year.  This time I am the one who recieved it.  I got a Kindle, a electronic book reader from my sister.  I was so pleased.

There are many, many pros to this device.  It is absolutely wonderfully easy to read.  I do not get any eyestrain, no matter where I am when I am reading off the device.  It even seems to me that it is faster to read than paper.  Since receiving this, I have been reading books like crazy.  The cost to download a book is a bit high, but I am a book hoarder and I always am buying books anyway. 

One drawback is that not every book is available for the Kindle.  That's frustrating when you really want to read a book in the middle of the night and cannot download it.  By the way, downloading a book is so simple and easy.  I love that I can get a book anytime I want one.

The Kindle is small and compact.  It is easy to slip into my purse and takes up almost no room.  I can have a book with me at all times.  My sister borrowed it to take a train trip and she loved that she could put all her books on the device and not drag around heavy volumes. 

The one real drawback that I continue to encounter is that the battery life is not very long.  It's like having another cell phone--you need to plug it in to charge regularly if you want it to be available when you want it.  To me, this is a bit of a hassle.  I constantly forget to plug in both my phone and my Kindle.  When I go to use either and they are dead, I am not a happy camper. 

But, I am training myself to remember to plug them in regularly.  I cannot recommend this product more.  I love the ease of use, the ease of reading, the availability of downloading.  I love everything about this device. 

So, if you have a book-lover on your list, you might really consider the Kindle.  To read more about this device, visit my Squidoo page and get all the technical stuff. 
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Friday, April 1, 2011

Buying electronic gizmos for Christmas presents

I'm going to go out on a limb here and talk about the two electronic items we received last year for Christmas.  Maybe a testimonial or a personal story will help you make your decisions about these two items for this year's Christmas list.

The first item was a Garmin Nuvi 265W/WT GPS that I purchased for my sister.  She had recently moved here and was having trouble getting around in such a big city.  She got so frightened, that she simply quit going anywhere because she was afraid she would get lost.  So, unless I was her chauffeur, she stayed home.

At Christmas 2010, I finally bought her the Garmin Nuvi.  I did quite a bit of research online and determined that this model and product was the best fit for my sister who is over 60.  It is mobile in that she can attach it to her windshield while driving and then remove it when she is home.  She is very cautious about safety and she worried that someone would break into her vehicle to steal the device if she couldn't remove it.

When she got the Garmin Nuvi, she was really happy.  The only problem was that it did not come with much of an instruction booklet and she was not comfortable using it.  I went online and downloaded the booklet for her, but she was still cautious.  Finally, I set the device up and showed her how to use it.  We even named the device, Miss Ellie!  I got her a zipper bag to put it in when she was not using it and she was set.

I'd love to say that was it.  I'd love to say that she is now mobile and fearless, but that is not so.  She is more mobile and will go places on her own now, but we have to drive to here destination first and make sure to add it to her Favorites so she can see how to get back home.  So far, this seems to soothe her fears and is working.  She has quite a few places in her favorites and she will go solo to those locations using the Garmin.

The only other problem we have is that Miss Ellie was always trying to get her to get onto the highways (which she absolutely will not do).  I had to do a bit of tweaking to make Miss Ellie stop that and now peace reigns.

We laugh alot because of this device.  Miss Ellie can be heard frequently saying, "Recalculating..." because my sister did not follow her directions.  It's really nice to see my sister mobile again.  I wholeheartedly recommend this device to anyone on your list that is getting older and can't remember things right anymore.  With this device in hand, anyone can get anywhere!

For more information about this product, you can visit my site:  Garmin Nuvi 265W/WT GPS

Tomorrow I'll post about the second gizmo we got last Christmas and tell you what we think about it, too.
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Monday, March 28, 2011

How To Avoid Overspending At Christmas

Well, the first quarter of the year 2011 is about to end and that means Christmas is closer than you think.  One of the ways you can prepare for Christmas is to start early and make a list.  The summer sales is a wonderful time to find items that you want to give but at a reduced price.

Below is an article from Forbes talking about how to curb your holiday spending.  I hope you enjoy.  Please don't procrastinate.  Christmas will be here before you know it!

The article below has several related articles that you can visit, so please go to the site.


The best gift you can give your family is often sound finances for the new year.


In Pictures: How To Avoid Overspending At Christmas

Unemployment is high this year, and savings accounts are low. But that won't stop Americans from filling shopping carts with gifts this Christmas. With shopping a firmly entrenched holiday tradition, the average American will spend an average $715 this season--even if for some it's spending they can ill afford.
Before you head out to Target , Best Buy , Nordstrom or your local mall this holiday season, give yourself a big gift: restraint.

The reason so many people fail to show it is the intense social pressure to go out and spend this time of year. Plus the legion of ways people justify overspending. That's according to Shawn Young, creator of Bootstraps Asset Building Education, an organization that uses elements of behavioral economics to teach average Americans how to better handle their finances.

In his previous career as a manager at Wal-Mart and Starbucks , Young, now 41, saw many colleagues become overwhelmed by financial troubles that it distracted them from their work. The stories led to Young developing an interest in financial education. In 2007 he moved to Louiseville, Colo., and founded Advocates for Young Adults, a nonprofit which has since been renamed Frontier Asset Building. It has five employees, a $300,000 budget and, says Young, helped 10,000 people in 2010 through its various programs.

One is a class on spending. In it, Young works primarily with people who have low and moderates incomes and are at risk of overspending in ways that can have devastating effects on their finances. If a student in one of his classes overspends at Christmas, that student might have trouble paying the January electric bill. People of greater means rationalize excessive spending in similar ways but generally face less devastating consequences, Young says.

Temptations are so great leading up to Christmas that some of Young's students this year suggested he offer a class addressing the season's shopping. While Young ponders the idea, he suggest others slow down while hitting the malls.

To read the rest of this article, click here.
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Monday, January 31, 2011

What will you do for Christmas 2011?

Christmas in the post-War United StatesImage via WikipediaI know.  I know.  It's only the start of 2011 and I am talking about Christmas.  What's up with that?  Well, today is the last day of January 2011.  One-twelvth of the year is already gone.  The way I look at it is if you plan and prepare for this big holiday season, it doesn't have to have such a large impact on either your psychological well-being or on your pocketbook.

Now is the time to make a list of all the people you want to buy for this Christmas.  Make a tentative list of what you plan to spend on each person.  If you have ideas for personal gifts, write that down too.  Carry this list with you when you go shopping.  That way you can take advantage of bargains and sales throughout the year and as you mark off each name you can guage your readiness for the season.  Who knows, maybe by Thanksgiving you can be totally through with seasonal shopping and focus more on enjoying the social activities of the holidays.

There is no time like the present to get started.  My list is ready.  Is yours?
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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Check out Amazon's Great Toy Bargains this Christmas!

Click here to visit Amazon

Electronics are the #1 gift this year. Browse below!

Why not get you and your entire family a really great gift this Christmas?  Instead of buying many small, maybe under-appreciated gifts for each member of the family, why not buy a single, large family gift that everyone in the house can enjoy?  Just a thought.  Check out these deals below: